2.Feminism -
Well, um in writing this blog, i kinda wanted it to be funny and light hearted. i do you know find this whole debate about religion/ atheism (i mean if you want to boil it down thats all it is), believe or don't believe, a little bit (over) - heated. well i have got to a topic that hmm to put it straight is pretty controverisal.
That is Feminism - is it IMMORAL? (i will get to why its to do with religion, trust me). I call this to attention as i have just finsihed reading a study published called, Sex and Culture, which will raise the hairs on most feminists backs. What it boils down is they studied a few (like 20) cultures deemed backward, 'uncivilised', and 5 modern and found a DIRECT link between sexual freedom and the advancement of the culture. This was because in a sexually promiscuous culture, females only chose the top 5% of the population to settle with. this left another 95% (obviously) who weren't really in essence, getting any. so these marginalised men really didn't contribute to society, or at least not as much, safe in the knowledge nothing they would do will get them the girl. so the more a society allows casual sex, this implies the more it degrades...
And how this goes to religion.. well religion is a natural way to safeguard sexual promiscuity... i mean no sex before marriage, in marriage monogamy only etc. haha i am not really raising the religion point, its just interesting.
what i am really asking is, therefore FEMINISM EVIL?
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